Jan Dittberner d35fd33b3f Prepare release 0.1.2
- Update documentation
- Add Pipfile and Pipfile.lock to allow using pipenv
- Update development URLs
- Bump copyright years
2020-02-29 16:09:34 +01:00

416 B


  • 0.1.2 <2020-02-29>
  • - Update dependencies for Debian Buster compatibility
  • - Add Pipfile and Pipfile.lock for more modern dependency management
  • 0.1.1 <2019-03-22>
  • - Remove fixed kombu version due to incompatibility with current Python 2.7, update amqp to 1.4.9
  • 0.1.0 <2015-01-04>
  • - initial project setup