
53 lines
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* :feature:`-` add authentication via social media accounts from Google,
LinkedIn, Twitter and Xing
* :feature:`-` add customer login/logout and dashboard templates
* :feature:`-` add admin list filtering and ordering for mail addresses and
* :release:`0.4.0 <2015-01-11>`
* :feature:`-` add mysqltasks and pgsqltasks
* :feature:`-` add :py:mod:`userdbs` app to allow management of user databases
via :py:mod:`mysqltasks` and :py:mod:`pgsqltasks`
* :feature:`-` add new app :py:mod:`taskresults` that takes care of handling
asynchronous `Celery`_ results
* :feature:`-` add new task :py:func:`osusers.tasks.delete_ldap_group` (needs
gvaldap >= 0.2.0 on the LDAP side)
* :feature:`-` add a `customer` field to :py:class:`osusers.models.User`
* :feature:`-` allow empty password input in
:py:class:`osusers.admin.UserCreationForm` to allow generated passwords for
new users
* :release:`0.3.0 <2014-12-27>`
* :feature:`-` call create/delete mailbox tasks when saving/deleting mailboxes
* :support:`-` use celery routers from gvacommon
* :feature:`-` automatic creation of mailbox names from user names
* :bug:`- major` fix broken mailbox admin
* :release:`0.2.3 <2014-12-26>`
* :bug:`-` remove attribute readonly_fields from
:py:class:`osusers.admin.UserAdmin` to make saving of additional groups work
* :release:`0.2.2 <2014-12-26>`
* :feature:`-` home and mail base directory creation
* :release:`0.2.1 <2014-12-17>`
* :support:`-` update Django to 1.7.1, update other dependencies, drop South
* :bug:`-` wrap :py:meth:`ousers.models.UserManager.create_user` in
* :release:`0.2.0 <2014-06-01>`
* :feature:`-` full test suite for osusers
* :feature:`-` full test suite for managemails app
* :feature:`-` full test suite for domains app
* :feature:`-` `Celery`_ integration for ldap synchronization
* :release:`0.1 <2014-05-25>`
* :feature:`-` initial model code for os users
* :feature:`-` initial model code for mail address and mailbox management
* :feature:`-` initial model code for domains
.. _Celery: http://www.celeryproject.org/