- implement domains.forms.CreateHostingDomainForm
- implement domains.models.HostingDomainManager.create_for_hosting_package that
takes care of creating the necessary database objects for hosting domains
assigned to a hosting package
- rename CreateHostingPackage to CreateCustomerHostingPackage
- add new CreateHostingPackage that allows to select a customer
- rename CreateHostingPackageForm to CreateCustomerHostingPackageForm
- add new CreateHostingPackageForm that has a customer field
- add new URL pattern create_hosting_package, rename existing pattern to
- modify template dashboard/user_dashboard to use the correct URL name
- add get_hostingoptions method and property hostingoptions
- add get_package_space method to determine disk space provided by the
hosting package itself
- add get_databases_flat and property databases to get a list of databases
assigned to the hosting package
- add may_add_database to determine whether additional databases are allowed
by the hosting package's options
- add properties mailboxes, used_mailbox_count, mailbox_count and
may_add_mailbox to CustomerHostingPackage class
- use new properties in template dashboard/user_dashboard.html
- add managemails.apps to give a more meaningful title in the admin site
- add verbose names to MailAddressMailbox fields
- implement managemails.models.Mailbox.get_mailaddresses and a corresponding
property mailaddresses
- add new domains.apps.AppConfig to allow translatable app description for
domains app
- link domains to a customer
- extract common functionality from domains.models.MailDomain into abstract
- add separate domains.models.HostingDomain to allow for generic external
- add new hostingpackages.models.CustomerHostingPackageDomain to assign hosting
domains to hosting packages
- document new feature in changelog
- add autogenerated documentation for osusers.urls and osusers.views
- add osuser URLs to gnuviechadmin.urls
- implement get_absolute_url in hostingpackages.models.CustomerHostingPackage
- use set_ldap_user_password instead of create_ldap_user for existing OS users
in osusers.models.User.set_password
- add URL pattern set_osuser_password in osusers.urls
- implement osusers.views.SetOsUserPassword to set the password of an existing
operating system user
- link to hosting package detail view on user dashboard
- add template hostingpackages/customerhostingpackage_detail.html
- add template osusers/user_setpassword.html