
118 lines
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Raw Normal View History

{% extends "hostingpackages/base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block title %}{{ block.super }} - {% spaceless %}
{% if user == customer %}
{% blocktranslate with package=hostingpackage.name trimmed %}
2023-07-22 20:07:01 +02:00
Disk usage of your Hosting Package {{ package }}
{% endblocktranslate %}
{% else %}
{% blocktranslate with package=hostingpackage.name full_name=customer.get_full_name trimmed %}
2023-07-22 20:07:01 +02:00
Disk usage of Hosting Package {{ package }} of {{ full_name }}
{% endblocktranslate %}
{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}{% endblock title %}
{% block page_title %}
{% blocktranslate with package=hostingpackage.name package_url=hostingpackage.get_absolute_url trimmed %}
Disk usage of Hosting Package <a href="{{ package_url }}">{{ package }}</a>
{% endblocktranslate %}{% endblock page_title %}
{% block content %}
{% with used_space=hostingpackage.get_used_disk_space_sum|filesizeformat disk_space=hostingpackage.get_disk_space|filesizeformat package_space=hostingpackage.get_package_space|filesizeformat space_level=hostingpackage.space_level %}
<p>{% blocktranslate trimmed %}
You use {{ used_space }} of the reserved disk space of {{ disk_space }} for your hosting package.
{% endblocktranslate %}</p>
<p class="lead"><span
class="text-{% if space_level > 90.0 %}danger{% elif space_level > 80.0 %}warning{% else %}success{% endif %}">
{% blocktranslate with space_level_percent=space_level|floatformat:1 trimmed %}
{{ used_space }} of {{ disk_space }} ({{ space_level_percent }}%)
{% endblocktranslate %}</span>
<i class="bi-info-circle"
title="{% blocktranslate trimmed %}
The package contributes {{ package_space }} the difference comes from disk space options
{% endblocktranslate %}"></i>
<h2>{% trans "Breakdown by usage" %}</h2>
{% if mail_usage %}
<h3>{% trans "Mailbox usage" %}</h3>
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
<th>{% translate "Mailbox" %}</th>
<th>{% translate "Primary email address" %}</th>
<th class="text-end">{% translate "Used space" %}</th>
{% for line in mail_usage %}
<td>{{ line.item }}</td>
<td>{% if line.email_address %}{{ line.email_address }}{% else %}-{% endif %}</td>
<td class="text-end">{{ line.size_in_bytes|filesizeformat }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if web_usage %}
<h3>{% trans "Website usage" %}</h3>
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
<th>{% translate "Website / Directory" %}</th>
<th class="text-end">{% translate "Used space" %}</th>
{% for line in web_usage %}
<td>{{ line.item }}</td>
<td class="text-end">{{ line.size_in_bytes|filesizeformat }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if mysql_usage %}
<h3>{% trans "MySQL/MariaDB database usage" %}</h3>
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
<th>{% translate "Database" %}</th>
<th class="text-end">{% translate "Used space" %}</th>
{% for line in mysql_usage %}
<td>{{ line.item }}</td>
<td class="text-end">{{ line.size_in_bytes|filesizeformat }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if pgsql_usage %}
<h3>{% trans "PostgreSQL database usage" %}</h3>
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
<th>{% translate "Database" %}</th>
<th class="text-end">{% translate "Used space" %}</th>
{% for line in pgsql_usage %}
<td>{{ line.item }}</td>
<td class="text-end">{{ line.size_in_bytes|filesizeformat }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
{% endblock content %}