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Jan Dittberner e13c9d174b Implement i18n support
This commit adds internationalization support and a german translation.
2020-12-05 00:21:18 +01:00

87 lines
2.1 KiB

# Browser PKCS#10 CSR generation PoC
This repository contains a small proof of concept implementation of browser based PKCS#10 certificate signing request
and PKCS#12 key store generation using [node-forge](https://github.com/digitalbazaar/forge).
The backend is implemented in [Go](https://golang.org/) and utilizes openssl for the signing operations.
## Running
1. Clone the repository
git clone https://git.dittberner.info/jan/browser_csr_generation.git
2. Get dependencies and build assets
cd browser_csr_generation
npm install --global gulp-cli
npm install
2. Setup the example CA and a server certificate and key
openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -subj "/CN=localhost" -addext subjectAltName=DNS:localhost -newkey rsa:3072 \
-nodes -out server.crt.pem -keyout server.key.pem
3. Run the Go based backend
go run main.go
Open https://localhost:8000/ in your browser.
4. Run gulp watch
You can run a [gulp watch](https://gulpjs.com/docs/en/getting-started/watching-files/)
in a second terminal window to automatically publish changes to the files in the `src` directory:
gulp watch
## Translations
This PoC uses [go-i18n](https://github.com/nicksnyder/go-i18n/) for internationalization (i18n) support.
The translation workflow needs the `go18n` binary which can be installed via
go get -u github.com/nicksnyder/go-i18n/v2/goi18n
To extract new messages from the code run
goi18n extract
Then use
goi18n merge active.*.toml
to create TOML files for translation as `translate.<locale>.toml`. After translating the messages run
goi18n merge active.*.toml translate.*.toml
to merge the messages back into the active translation files. To add a new language you need to add the language code
to `main.go`'s i18n bundle loading code
for _, lang := range []string{"en-US", "de-DE"} {
if _, err := bundle.LoadMessageFile(fmt.Sprintf("active.%s.toml", lang)); err != nil {