* Jan Dittberner IT-Consulting & -Solutions, * Cottbuser Str. 1, D-01129 Dresden * * This file is part of the ScrollingJQueryGallery component of the * gnuviech-server.de Websitetools * * ScrollingJQueryGallery is free software: you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * ScrollingJQueryGallery is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ScrollingJQueryGallery. If not, see * . * * Version: $Id$ */ define(GALLERYPREFIX, "bilder"); define(INFOFILE, "galleryinfo.ini"); define(IMAGESEC, "images"); define(GALLERYSEC, "gallery"); define(GALLERY_RE, '/^[\w\d _-]+$/'); $previewwidth = 311; $thumbheight = 67; function galleryExists($galleryname) { return preg_match(GALLERY_RE, $galleryname) && realpath(GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $galleryname); } function getGalleryConfig($galleryname = null) { if ($galleryname) { $filepath = realpath(GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $galleryname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . INFOFILE); } else { $filepath = realpath(GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . INFOFILE); } if (is_file($filepath)) { return parse_ini_file($filepath, true); } return array(); } /** * Holt die Bildinformationen zu einem Bild aus der Datei * bilder/imginfo.txt und gibt diese zurueck. * * @param $imagename Bildname * @param $galleryname Galleriename */ function getImgInfo($galleryname, $imagename) { return array("name" => $imagename, "data" => getImageLabel($galleryname, $imagename), "preview" => GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . getScaledImage($galleryname, $imagename, $GLOBALS["previewwidth"], false), "full" => GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $galleryname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $imagename ); } function getImageLabel($galleryname, $imagename) { $gallerypath = realpath(GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $galleryname); if (empty($gallerypath) || !is_dir($gallerypath)) { return false; } $filepath = $gallerypath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $imagename; if (!is_file($filepath)) { return false; } $inidata = getGalleryConfig($galleryname); $value = $inidata[IMAGESEC][$imagename]; if ($value) { return $value; } return $imagename; } /** * Liefert die aktuelle Gallerie. Die Gallerie kann entweder im * GET-Parameter "galleryname" stehen, in der "gallery"-Sektion der * zentralen galleryinfo.ini angegeben werden oder es wird das erste * Unterverzeichnis von GALLERYPREFIX verwendet. */ function getCurrentGallery() { if (galleryExists($_GET["galleryname"])) { return $_GET["galleryname"]; } $filepath = realpath(GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . INFOFILE); if (!empty($filepath)) { $inidata = getGalleryConfig(); if (galleryExists($inidata[GALLERYSEC]["default"])) { return $inidata[GALLERYSEC]["default"]; } } foreach (glob(realpath(GALLERYPREFIX) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $directory) { $basename = basename($directory); if (galleryExists($basename)) { return $basename; } } return null; } function getScaledImage($galleryname, $basename, $maxdim, $scaleheight=true) { if ($maxdim == 0) { debug_print_backtrace(); } $gallerydir = realpath(GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $galleryname); if ($scaleheight) { $scaleddir = sprintf("%s%sscaled_x%d", $galleryname, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $maxdim); } else { $scaleddir = sprintf("%s%sscaled%dx_", $galleryname, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $maxdim); } $scaleddirpath = GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $scaleddir; if (!is_dir($scaleddirpath)) { // versuchen das Thumbnail-Verzeichnis anzulegen $mkdir = @mkdir($scaleddirpath, 0755); if (!$mkdir) { return $galleryname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basename; } } $scaledimage = $scaleddirpath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basename; if (!is_file($scaledimage)) { // Datei erzeugen $originalfile = $gallerydir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basename; $origimage = imagecreatefromjpeg($originalfile); $origx = imagesx($origimage); $origy = imagesy($origimage); if ($scaleheight) { $scaleratio = $origy / (1.0 * $maxdim); $newy = $maxdim; $newx = (int) $origx / $scaleratio; } else { $scaleratio = $origx / (1.0 * $maxdim); $newx = $maxdim; $newy = (int) $origy / $scaleratio; } $newimage = imagecreatetruecolor($newx, $newy); imagecopyresampled($newimage, $origimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newx, $newy, $origx, $origy); imagejpeg($newimage, $scaledimage, 90); } return $scaleddir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basename; } /** * Gibt die Informationen über Vorschaubilder zurück. * * @return array das erste Element ist die aufsummierte Breite der * Einzelbilder und das zweite Element ist ein assoziatives Array mit * den Bildnamen als Keys und dem Ergebnis von getimagesize() als * Werten */ function getThumbNailInfo($galleryname) { $thumbsizes = array(); $thumbwidthsum = 2; foreach (glob(realpath(GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $galleryname) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.jp{e,}g', GLOB_BRACE) as $filename) { $basename = basename($filename); $thumbfile = getScaledImage($galleryname, $basename, $GLOBALS["thumbheight"]); if ($thumbsize = getimagesize(realpath(GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $thumbfile))) { $thumbsizes[$basename] = array($thumbfile, $thumbsize); $thumbwidthsum = $thumbwidthsum + $thumbsize[0] + 3; } } return array($thumbwidthsum, $galleryname, $thumbsizes); } function getGalleryLinks() { } function showThumbnails(&$thumbinfo) { foreach ($thumbinfo[2] as $basename => $data) { printf("
", GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $data[0], $data[1][3]);; } } function showPreview(&$thumbinfo) { foreach ($thumbinfo[2] as $basename => $data) { $galleryname = $thumbinfo[1]; $fullname = GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $galleryname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basename; $scaledimage = getScaledImage($galleryname, $basename, $GLOBALS["previewwidth"], false); $scaledimagesize = getimagesize(realpath(GALLERYPREFIX . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $scaledimage)); printf("\"%s\"", $fullname, GALLERYPREFIX, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $scaledimage, getImageLabel($galleryname, $basename), $scaledimagesize[3]); break; } } function renderDescription(&$thumbinfo) { foreach ($thumbinfo[2] as $basename => $data) { print htmlentities(getImageLabel($thumbinfo[1], $basename)); break; } }