highlight.js plugin improvements
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 40 additions and 18 deletions
@ -5,8 +5,21 @@ c:[{cN:"comment",b:/\(\*/,e:/\*\)/},e.ASM,e.QSM,e.CNM,{b:/\{/,e:/\}/,i:/:/}]}});
/* highlightjs-line-numbers.js 2.6.0 | (C) 2018 Yauheni Pakala | MIT License | github.com/wcoder/highlightjs-line-numbers.js */
!function(n,e){"use strict";function t(){var n=e.createElement("style");n.type="text/css",n.innerHTML=g(".{0}{border-collapse:collapse}.{0} td{padding:0}.{1}:before{content:attr({2})}",[v,L,b]),e.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n)}function r(t){"interactive"===e.readyState||"complete"===e.readyState?i(t):n.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){i(t)})}function i(t){try{var r=e.querySelectorAll("code.hljs,code.nohighlight");for(var i in r)r.hasOwnProperty(i)&&l(r[i],t)}catch(o){n.console.error("LineNumbers error: ",o)}}function l(n,e){"object"==typeof n&&f(function(){n.innerHTML=s(n,e)})}function o(n,e){if("string"==typeof n){var t=document.createElement("code");return t.innerHTML=n,s(t,e)}}function s(n,e){e=e||{singleLine:!1};var t=e.singleLine?0:1;return c(n),a(n.innerHTML,t)}function a(n,e){var t=u(n);if(""===t[t.length-1].trim()&&t.pop(),t.length>e){for(var r="",i=0,l=t.length;i<l;i++)r+=g('<tr><td class="{0}"><div class="{1} {2}" {3}="{5}"></div></td><td class="{4}"><div class="{1}">{6}</div></td></tr>',[j,m,L,b,p,i+1,t[i].length>0?t[i]:" "]);return g('<table class="{0}">{1}</table>',[v,r])}return n}function c(n){var e=n.childNodes;for(var t in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(t)){var r=e[t];h(r.textContent)>0&&(r.childNodes.length>0?c(r):d(r.parentNode))}}function d(n){var e=n.className;if(/hljs-/.test(e)){for(var t=u(n.innerHTML),r=0,i="";r<t.length;r++){var l=t[r].length>0?t[r]:" ";i+=g('<span class="{0}">{1}</span>\n',[e,l])}n.innerHTML=i.trim()}}function u(n){return 0===n.length?[]:n.split(y)}function h(n){return(n.trim().match(y)||[]).length}function f(e){n.setTimeout(e,0)}function g(n,e){return n.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g,function(n,t){return e[t]?e[t]:n})}var v="hljs-ln",m="hljs-ln-line",p="hljs-ln-code",j="hljs-ln-numbers",L="hljs-ln-n",b="data-line-number",y=/\r\n|\r|\n/g;n.hljs?(n.hljs.initLineNumbersOnLoad=r,n.hljs.lineNumbersBlock=l,n.hljs.lineNumbersValue=o,t()):n.console.error("highlight.js not detected!")}(window,document);
var RevealHighlight = (function() {
* This reveal.js plugin is wrapper around the highlight.js
* syntax highlighting library.
(function( root, factory ) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
root.RevealHighlight = factory();
} else if( typeof exports === 'object' ) {
module.exports = factory();
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.RevealHighlight = factory();
}( this, function() {
// Function to perform a better "data-trim" on code snippets
// Will slice an indentation amount on each line of the snippet (amount based on the line having the lowest indentation length)
function betterTrim(snippetEl) {
@ -54,27 +67,34 @@ var RevealHighlight = (function() {
return {
var RevealHighlight = {
init: function() {
[].slice.call( document.querySelectorAll( 'pre code' ) ).forEach( function( code ) {
// Read the plugin config options and provide fallbacks
var config = Reveal.getConfig().highlight || {};
config.highlightOnLoad = typeof config.highlightOnLoad === 'boolean' ? config.highlightOnLoad : true;
config.escapeHTML = typeof config.escapeHTML === 'boolean' ? config.escapeHTML : true;
// trim whitespace if data-trim attribute is present
if( code.hasAttribute( 'data-trim' ) && typeof code.innerHTML.trim === 'function' ) {
code.innerHTML = betterTrim(code);
[].slice.call( document.querySelectorAll( '.reveal pre code' ) ).forEach( function( block ) {
// Trim whitespace if the "data-trim" attribute is present
if( block.hasAttribute( 'data-trim' ) && typeof block.innerHTML.trim === 'function' ) {
block.innerHTML = betterTrim( block );
// Now escape html unless prevented by author
if( ! code.hasAttribute( 'data-noescape' )) {
code.innerHTML = code.innerHTML.replace(/</g,"<").replace(/>/g,">");
// Escape HTML tags unless the "data-noescape" attrbute is present
if( config.escapeHTML && !block.hasAttribute( 'data-noescape' )) {
block.innerHTML = block.innerHTML.replace( /</g,"<").replace(/>/g, '>' );
// re-highlight when focus is lost (for edited code)
code.addEventListener( 'focusout', function( event ) {
// Re-highlight when focus is lost (for contenteditable code)
block.addEventListener( 'focusout', function( event ) {
hljs.highlightBlock( event.currentTarget );
}, false );
RevealHighlight.highlightBlock( code );
if( config.highlightOnLoad ) {
RevealHighlight.highlightBlock( block );
} );
// lofi xbrowser Promise.resolve()
@ -91,11 +111,11 @@ var RevealHighlight = (function() {
hljs.highlightBlock( block );
if( block.hasAttribute( 'data-line-numbers' ) ) {
hljs.lineNumbersBlock( block );
hljs.lineNumbersBlock( block, { singleLine: true } );
// hljs.lineNumbersBlock runs async code on the next cycle,
// so we need to do the same to execute after it's done
setTimeout( RevealHighlight.highlightLines.bind( this, block ), 0 )
setTimeout( RevealHighlight.highlightLines.bind( this, block ), 0 );
@ -139,7 +159,9 @@ var RevealHighlight = (function() {
Reveal.registerPlugin( 'highlight', RevealHighlight );
Reveal.registerPlugin( 'highlight', RevealHighlight );
return RevealHighlight;
Add table
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