auto-animate applies styles via stylesheet to avoid changing the slide dom
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 151 additions and 131 deletions
@ -990,17 +990,6 @@ $controlsArrowAngleActive: 36deg;
.reveal section[data-auto-animate] .auto-animate-target {
transition-property: all;
transform-origin: top left;
@ -190,6 +190,11 @@
// Can be used to globally disable auto-animation
autoAnimate: true,
// Optionally provide a custom element matcher function,
// the function needs to return an array where each value is
// an array of animation pairs [fromElement, toElement]
autoAnimateMatcher: null,
// Default settings for or auto-animate transitions, can be
// overridden per-slide via data arguments
autoAnimateEasing: 'ease',
@ -197,16 +202,19 @@
// CSS styles that auto-animations will animate between
autoAnimateStyles: [
{ property: 'opacity' },
{ property: 'color' },
{ property: 'backgroundColor' },
{ property: 'padding', defaultValue: 'computed' },
{ property: 'font-size', defaultValue: 'computed' },
{ property: 'line-height', defaultValue: 'computed' },
{ property: 'letter-spacing', defaultValue: 'computed' },
{ property: 'border-width', defaultValue: 'computed' },
{ property: 'border-color' },
{ property: 'border-top-left-radius' },
{ property: 'border-top-right-radius' },
{ property: 'border-bottom-left-radius' },
{ property: 'border-bottom-right-radius' }
// Controls automatic progression to the next slide
@ -383,9 +391,8 @@
// Flags if the interaction event listeners are bound
eventsAreBound = false,
// A list of all elements that we have animated through
// auto-animations
autoAnimatedRollbacks = [],
// <style> element used to apply auto-animations
// The current auto-slide duration
autoSlide = 0,
@ -1417,10 +1424,16 @@
// Reset all auto animated elements
autoAnimatedRollbacks.forEach( function( rollback ) {
toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( '.slides .auto-animate-start' ) ).forEach( function( element ) {
element.classList.remove( 'auto-animate-start' );
} );
autoAnimatedRollbacks = [];
toArray( dom.wrapper.querySelectorAll( '[data-auto-animate-id]' ) ).forEach( function( element ) {
element.removeAttribute( 'data-auto-animate-id' );
} );
if( autoAnimateStyleSheet && autoAnimateStyleSheet.parentNode ) {
autoAnimateStyleSheet.parentNode.removeChild( autoAnimateStyleSheet );
autoAnimateStyleSheet = null;
// Remove existing auto-slide controls
if( autoSlidePlayer ) {
@ -3036,8 +3049,8 @@
||| = 'none';
setTimeout( function() {
|||| = '';
|||| = '';
if( previousSlide ) = '';
if( currentSlide ) = '';
}, 0 );
@ -3813,7 +3826,13 @@
if( config.autoAnimate ) {
var options = {
// Lazily create the auto-animate stylesheet
if( !autoAnimateStyleSheet ) {
autoAnimateStyleSheet = document.createElement( 'style' );
document.querySelector( 'head' ).appendChild( autoAnimateStyleSheet );
var animationOptions = {
easing: config.autoAnimateEasing,
duration: config.autoAnimateDuration,
offsetY: 0
@ -3823,22 +3842,34 @@
// account for their difference in position when
// calculating deltas for animated elements
if( ) {
options.offsetY = fromSlide.offsetTop - toSlide.offsetTop;
animationOptions.offsetY = fromSlide.offsetTop - toSlide.offsetTop;
// Check if easing is overriden
if( toSlide.hasAttribute( 'data-auto-animate-easing' ) ) {
options.easing = toSlide.getAttribute( 'data-auto-animate-easing' );
animationOptions.easing = toSlide.getAttribute( 'data-auto-animate-easing' );
// Check if the duration is overriden
if( toSlide.hasAttribute( 'data-auto-animate-duration' ) ) {
options.duration = parseFloat( toSlide.getAttribute( 'data-auto-animate-duration' ) );
animationOptions.duration = parseFloat( toSlide.getAttribute( 'data-auto-animate-duration' ) );
getAutoAnimatableElements( fromSlide, toSlide ).forEach( function( elements ) {
autoAnimateElement( elements[0], elements[1], options );
} );
// Reset any prior animation
fromSlide.classList.remove( 'auto-animate-start' );
toSlide.classList.remove( 'auto-animate-start' );
autoAnimateStyleSheet.innerHTML = '';
// Generate and write out custom auto-animate styles to the DOM
autoAnimateStyleSheet.innerHTML = getAutoAnimatableElements( fromSlide, toSlide ).map( function( elements, i ) {
return getAutoAnimateCSS( elements[0], elements[1], elements[2] || {}, animationOptions, i );
} ).join( '' );
// Start the animation next cycle
setTimeout( function() {
toSlide.classList.add( 'auto-animate-start' );
}, 0 );
@ -3850,41 +3881,60 @@
* @param {HTMLElement} from
* @param {HTMLElement} to
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Object} options Optional settings for this specific pair
* @param {Object} animationOptions Options that apply to all
* elements in this transition
function autoAnimateElement( from, to, options ) {
function getAutoAnimateCSS( from, to, options, animationOptions, id ) {
var fromProps = getAutoAnimatableProperties( from ),
toProps = getAutoAnimatableProperties( to );
// Each element gets a unique auto-animate ID
to.setAttribute( 'data-auto-animate-id', id );
var delta = {
x: fromProps.x - toProps.x,
y: fromProps.y - toProps.y + options.offsetY,
scaleX: fromProps.width / toProps.width,
scaleY: fromProps.height / toProps.height
var fromProps = getAutoAnimatableProperties( 'from', from, options ),
toProps = getAutoAnimatableProperties( 'to', to, options );
|||| = 'none';
|||| = 'translate('+delta.x+'px, '+delta.y+'px) scale('+delta.scaleX+','+delta.scaleY+')';
to.classList.add( 'auto-animate-target' );
// Instantly move to the 'from' state
fromProps.styles.push([ 'transition', 'none' ]);
config.autoAnimateStyles.forEach( function( propertyName ) {
||||[propertyName] = fromProps[propertyName];
} );
// transition to the 'to' state
toProps.styles.push([ 'transition', 'all '+ animationOptions.duration +'s '+ animationOptions.easing ]);
setTimeout( function() {
// If translation and/or scalin are enabled, offset the
// 'to' element so that it starts out at the same position
// and scale as the 'from' element
if( options.translate !== false || options.scale !== false ) {
// Run the FLIP animation
|||| = '';
|||| = options.easing;
|||| = options.duration + 's';
|||| = '';
var delta = {
x: fromProps.x - toProps.x,
y: fromProps.y - toProps.y + animationOptions.offsetY,
scaleX: fromProps.width / toProps.width,
scaleY: fromProps.height / toProps.height
config.autoAnimateStyles.forEach( function( propertyName ) {
||||[propertyName] = toProps[propertyName];
} );
var transform = [];
}, 0 );
if( options.translate !== false ) transform.push( 'translate('+delta.x+'px, '+delta.y+'px)' );
if( options.scale !== false ) transform.push( 'scale('+delta.scaleX+','+delta.scaleY+')' );
fromProps.styles.push([ 'transform', transform.join( ' ' ) ]);
fromProps.styles.push([ 'transformOrigin', 'top left' ]);
toProps.styles.push([ 'transform', 'none' ]);
// Build up our custom CSS. We need to override inline styles
// so we need to make our styles vErY IMPORTANT!1!!
var fromCSS = function( style ) {
return style[0] + ': ' + style[1] + ' !important;';
} ).join( '' );
var toCSS = function( style ) {
return style[0] + ': ' + style[1] + ' !important;';
} ).join( '' );
return '.reveal [data-auto-animate-id="'+ id +'"] {\n'+ fromCSS +'\n}\n\n' +
'.reveal .auto-animate-start [data-auto-animate-id="'+ id +'"] {\n'+ toCSS +'\n}\n\n';
@ -3893,53 +3943,52 @@
* that can be auto-animated for the given element
* and their respective values.
function getAutoAnimatableProperties( element ) {
function getAutoAnimatableProperties( direction, element, options ) {
var properties = element._animatableProperties;
var properties = { styles: [] };
if( !properties ) {
properties = {};
// Position and size
// Position and size
if( options.translate !== false || options.scale !== false ) {
properties.x = element.offsetLeft;
properties.y = element.offsetTop;
properties.width = element.offsetWidth;
properties.height = element.offsetHeight;
// Styles
config.autoAnimateStyles.forEach( function( propertyName ) {
properties[propertyName] =[propertyName];
} );
// Cache the list of properties
element._animatableProperties = properties;
// Provide a method for rolling back all changes made to this
// element as part of auto-animating it
autoAnimatedRollbacks.push( function( originalStyleAttribute ) {
element.classList.remove( 'auto-animate-target' );
|||| = '';
|||| = '';
if( typeof originalStyleAttribute === 'string' ) {
element.setAttribute( 'style', originalStyleAttribute );
else {
element.removeAttribute( 'style' );
delete element._animatableProperties;
}.bind( null, element.getAttribute( 'style' ) ) );
var computedStyles;
// CSS styles
( options.styles || config.autoAnimateStyles ).forEach( function( style ) {
var value;
if( typeof style.from !== 'undefined' && direction === 'from' ) {
value = style.from;
else if( typeof !== 'undefined' && direction === 'to' ) {
value =;
else {
value =[];
if( value === '' && style.defaultValue === 'computed' ) {
computedStyles = computedStyles || window.getComputedStyle( element );
value = computedStyles[];
if( value !== '' ) {
properties.styles.push([, value ]);
} );
return properties;
* [getAutoAnimatableElements description]
* Get a list of all element pairs that we can animate
* between the given slides.
* @param {HTMLElement} fromSlide
* @param {HTMLElement} toSlide
@ -3949,26 +3998,25 @@
function getAutoAnimatableElements( fromSlide, toSlide ) {
var pairs = findImplicitAutoAnimatePairs( fromSlide, toSlide )
.concat( findExplicitAutoAnimatePairs( fromSlide, toSlide ) );
var matcher = typeof config.autoAnimateMatcher === 'function' ? config.autoAnimateMatcher : findAutoAnimatePairs;
var pairs = matcher( fromSlide, toSlide );
// Remove duplicate pairs
pairs = pairs.filter( function( pair, index ) {
return pairs.filter( function( pair, index ) {
return index === pairs.findIndex( function( comparePair ) {
return pair[0] === comparePair[0] && pair[1] === comparePair[1];
} );
} );
return pairs;
* Returns an array of auto-animate element pairs
* discovered through implicing means such as matching
* text content.
* Identifies matching elements between slides. You can specify
* a custom matcher function by using the autoAnimateMatcher
* config option.
function findImplicitAutoAnimatePairs( fromSlide, toSlide ) {
function findAutoAnimatePairs( fromSlide, toSlide ) {
var pairs = [];
@ -3991,6 +4039,11 @@
// Eplicit matches via data-id
findMatches( '[data-id]', function( node ) {
return node.nodeName + ':::' + node.getAttribute( 'data-id' );
} );
// Text
findMatches( 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, li, span', function( node ) {
return node.nodeName + ':::' + node.innerText;
@ -4012,29 +4065,6 @@
* Returns explicitly ID-matched auto-animate elements.
function findExplicitAutoAnimatePairs( fromSlide, toSlide ) {
var pairs = [];
var fromHash = {};
toArray( fromSlide.querySelectorAll( '[data-id]' ) ).forEach( function( fromElement ) {
fromHash[ fromElement.getAttribute( 'data-id' ) ] = fromElement;
} );
toArray( toSlide.querySelectorAll( '[data-id]' ) ).forEach( function( toElement ) {
var fromElement = fromHash[ toElement.getAttribute( 'data-id' ) ];
if( fromElement ) {
pairs.push([ fromElement, toElement ]);
} );
return pairs;
* Should the given element be preloaded?
* Decides based on local element attributes and global config.
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<section data-auto-animate>
<h3>Auto-Matched Content (no IDs)</h3>
<h3>This will fade out</h3>
<p>This will fade out</p>
<img src="assets/image1.png" style="height: 100px;">
<pre><code class="hljs">
function Example() {
@ -29,9 +29,10 @@ function Example() {
<section data-auto-animate>
<section data-auto-animate data-auto-animate-unmatched="fade">
<h3>Auto-Matched Content (no IDs)</h3>
<h3 style="opacity: 0.2; margin-top: 200px;">This will fade out</h3>
<p style="opacity: 0.2; margin-top: 200px;">This will fade out</p>
<p>This element is unmatched</p>
<img src="assets/image1.png" style="height: 100px;">
<pre><code class="hljs">
function Example() {
Add table
Reference in a new issue