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<title>Pylons Default Page</title>
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<h1>Welcome to your Pylons Web Application</h1>
<h2>Weren't expecting to see this page?</h2>
<p>The <tt>pyalchemybiz/public/</tt> directory is searched for static files
<i>before</i> your controllers are run. Remove this file (<tt>pyalchemybiz/public/index.html</tt>)
and edit the routes in <tt>pyalchemybiz/config/</tt> to point the
<a href="/">root path</a> to a 'hello' controller we'll create below:
<pre> map.connect('', controller='hello', action='index')</pre>
<h2>Getting Started</h2>
<p>You're now ready to start creating your own web application. To create a 'hello' controller,
run the following command in your project's root directory:
pyalchemybiz$ paster controller hello
This generates the following the following code in <tt>pyalchemybiz/controllers/</tt>:
import logging
from pyalchemybiz.lib.base import *
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HelloController(BaseController):
def index(self):
# Return a rendered template
# return render('/some/template.mako)
# or, Return a response
return 'Hello World'
<p>This controller simply prints out 'Hello World' to the browser. Pylons' default routes
automatically set up this controller to respond at the <a href="/hello">/hello</a> URL.
With the additional route described above, this controller will also respond at the
<a href="/">root path</a>.
<h3>Using a template</h3>
<p>To call a template and do something a little more complex, this following example
shows how to print out some request information from a
<a href="">Mako</a> template.
<p>Create a <tt>serverinfo.mako</tt> file in your project's <tt>pyalchemybiz/templates/</tt>
directory with the following contents:
Server info for ${}
The URL you called: ${h.url_for()}
The name you set: ${}
&lt;p&gt;The WSGI environ:&lt;br /&gt;
Then add the following to your 'hello' controller class:
def serverinfo(self):
import cgi
import pprint
c.pretty_environ = cgi.escape(pprint.pformat(request.environ)) = 'The Black Knight'
return render('/serverinfo.mako')
You can now view the page at: <tt><a href="/hello/serverinfo">/hello/serverinfo</a></tt>