Jan Dittberner 709f2067cd add labels for HTML output
- add translatable labels for HTML output (not used for JSON yet)
- add oldpeople URL
- modify the output template to use one table
- add styles
- rename action from handle_post to urllist to reflect its use
- use a property to determine the order of url sections
- use a list with a type to aggregate the urlbuilder results
- use textilize to display labels
2009-01-22 17:34:46 +01:00

141 lines
5 KiB

# -*- python -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# DDPortfolio service DdportfolioController
# Copyright (c) 2009 Jan Dittberner <>
# This file is part of DDPortfolio service.
# DDPortfolio service is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# DDPortfolio service is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
# Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License along with this program. If not, see
# <>.
import logging
import simplejson
from ddportfolioservice.lib.base import *
from ddportfolioservice.model.form import *
from ddportfolioservice.model.urlbuilder import *
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DdportfolioController(BaseController):
'overview' : {
'label' : N_('Overview'),
'ddpo' : N_("Debian Developer's Package Overview"),
'alladdresses' : N_("""Debian Developer's Package Overview
... showing all email addresses"""),
'bugs' : {
'label' : N_('Bugs'),
'received' : N_('''bugs received
(note: co-maintainers not listed, see \
<a href="\
'reported' : N_('bugs reported'),
'bugstats' : N_('bugstats AKA <em>karma</em>'),
'usertags' : N_('user tags'),
'searchall' : N_('all messages (i.e., full text search for \
developer name on all bug logs)'),
'wnpp' : N_('<a href="">WNPP</a>'),
'build' : {
'label' : N_('Build'),
'buildd' : N_('buildd.d.o (note: co-maintainers \
<em>not</em> listed)'),
'igloo' : N_('igloo'),
'svnbuildstat' : N_('svnbuildstat'),
'qa' : {
'label' : N_('Quality Assurance'),
'lintian' : N_('lintian reports'),
'lintianfull' : N_('full lintian reports (i.e. including \
"info"-level messages)'),
'dehs' : N_('DEHS (Debian External Health Status)'),
'upload' : {
'label' : N_('Upload'),
'keylog' : N_('''keylog (per-key upload list)
(note: uses key fingerprint)'''),
'lists' : {
'label' : N_('Mailing Lists'),
'dolists' : N_('lists.d.o'),
'adolists' : N_('lists.a.d.o'),
'gmane' : N_('gmane'),
'files' : {
'label' : N_('Files'),
'people' : N_('people.d.o'),
'oldpeople' : N_('oldpeople'),
'alioth' : N_('Alioth'),
'membership' : {
'label' : N_('Membership'),
'nm' : N_('NM'),
'db' : N_('DB'),
'alioth' : N_('Alioth'),
'miscellaneous' : {
'label' : N_('Miscellaneous'),
'debtags' : N_('debtags'),
'links' : N_('links'),
def _get_label(self, section, url=None):
if section in self._LABELS:
if url:
if url in self._LABELS[section]:
return self._LABELS[section][url]
elif 'label' in self._LABELS[section]:
return self._LABELS[section]['label']
if url:
return "%s.%s" % (section, url)
return section
def index(self):
# Return a rendered template
# return render('/some/template.mako')
# or, Return a response
return render('/showform.mako')
def urllist(self):
"""Handle the actual data."""
schema = DeveloperData()
languages=[lang[0:2] for lang in request.languages])
form_result = schema.to_python(request.params)
except formencode.validators.Invalid, error:
c.messages = { 'errors' : error.unpack_errors() }
return render('/showform.mako')
data = build_urls(form_result)
if 'mode' in request.params and request.params['mode'] == 'json':
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/json'
return simplejson.dumps(
dict([("%s.%s" % \
(entry[1], entry[2]), entry[3]) \
for entry in data if entry[0] == 'url']))
for entry in data:
if entry[0] in ('url', 'error'):
entry.append(_(self._get_label(entry[1], entry[2])))
elif entry[0] == 'section':
c.urldata = data
return render('/showurls.mako')