# Concourse Resource Type for Debian Security Announcements This [Concourse CI](https://concourse-ci.org/) resource type checks the [Debian Security Announcements](https://www.debian.org/security/) and reports the latest security announcements this can be used to trigger registry-image or docker-image builds when security updates are released. The source code for the resource type is available at https://git.dittberner.info/jan/concourse-dsa-resource ## Usage To use the resource type in your own Concourse pipeline you will have to define the resource type and a resource: ```yaml --- resource_types: - name: debian-dsa type: registry-image source: repository: jandd/concourse-dsa-resource tag: latest resources: - name: debian-dsa-version type: debian-dsa source: {} jobs: - name: security-update plan: - get: debian-dsa-version trigger: true ``` The resource type supports the check and in operations. ## `check` operation The check operations returns a list of versions consisting of an ISO date and the title of the available update. A shortened and pretty-printed example output looks like this: * Input ```json {} ``` * Output ```json [ { "date": "2023-01-18", "title": "DSA-5322 firefox-esr" }, { "date": "2023-01-19", "title": "DSA-5323 libitext5-java" } ] ``` ## `in` operation The in operation takes a version as described in Concourse's resource type implementation documentation and returns metadata. If the version exists. The following input example returns the output below: * Input ```json { "source": {}, "params": {}, "version": { "date": "2023-01-18", "title": "DSA-5322 firefox-esr" } } ``` * Output ```json { "version": { "date": "2023-01-18", "title": "DSA-5322 firefox-esr" }, "metadata": { "link": "https://www.debian.org/security/2023/dsa-5322", "description": "security update" } } ```