#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Nagios compatible check for XMPP servers. # Copyright (C) 2015 Jan Dittberner # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # from __future__ import absolute_import from datetime import datetime from select import select from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler, feature_namespaces import logging import os.path import socket import ssl from defusedxml.sax import make_parser import nagiosplugin __author__ = "Jan Dittberner" __version__ = "0.2" NS_IETF_XMPP_SASL = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl' NS_IETF_XMPP_TLS = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls' NS_IETF_XMPP_STREAMS = 'urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams' NS_JABBER_CAPS = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/caps' NS_ETHERX_STREAMS = 'http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' XMPP_STATE_NEW = 'new' XMPP_STATE_STREAM_START = 'started' XMPP_STATE_RECEIVED_FEATURES = 'received features' XMPP_STATE_FINISHED = 'finished' XMPP_STATE_ERROR = 'error' XMPP_STATE_PROCEED_STARTTLS = 'proceed with starttls' _LOG = logging.getLogger('nagiosplugin') class XmppException(Exception): """ Custom exception class. """ def __init__(self, message): self.message = message super(XmppException, self).__init__() class XmppStreamError(object): """ XMPP stream error class. """ condition = None text = None other_elements = {} def str(self): if self.text: return "{condition}: {text}".format( condition=self.condition, text=self.text) return self.condition class XmppResponseHandler(ContentHandler): """ SAX content handler for XMPP stream content. """ seen_elements = set() mechanisms = [] starttls = False tlsrequired = False capabilities = {} state = XMPP_STATE_NEW streaminfo = None inelem = [] level = 0 def __init__(self, expect_starttls): self.expect_starttls = expect_starttls super(XmppResponseHandler, self).__init__() def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs): self.inelem.append(name) self.seen_elements.add(name) if name == (NS_ETHERX_STREAMS, 'stream'): self.state = XMPP_STATE_STREAM_START self.streaminfo = dict([ (qname, attrs.getValueByQName(qname)) for qname in attrs.getQNames()]) elif name == (NS_IETF_XMPP_TLS, 'starttls'): self.starttls = True elif ( self.inelem[-2] == (NS_IETF_XMPP_TLS, 'starttls') and name == (NS_IETF_XMPP_TLS, 'required') ): self.tlsrequired = True _LOG.info("info other side requires TLS") elif name == (NS_JABBER_CAPS, 'c'): for qname in attrs.getQNames(): self.capabilities[qname] = attrs.getValueByQName(qname) elif name == (NS_ETHERX_STREAMS, 'error'): self.state = XMPP_STATE_ERROR self.errorinstance = XmppStreamError() elif ( self.state == XMPP_STATE_ERROR and name != (NS_IETF_XMPP_STREAMS, 'text') ): if name[0] == NS_IETF_XMPP_STREAMS: self.errorinstance.condition = name[1] else: self.errorinstance.other_elements[name] = {'attrs': dict([ (qname, attrs.getValueByQName(qname)) for qname in attrs.getQNames() ])} _LOG.debug('start %s (%s)', name, attrs.getQNames()) def endElementNS(self, name, qname): if name == (NS_ETHERX_STREAMS, 'features'): self.state = XMPP_STATE_RECEIVED_FEATURES elif name == (NS_ETHERX_STREAMS, 'stream'): self.state = XMPP_STATE_FINISHED elif name == (NS_ETHERX_STREAMS, 'error'): raise XmppException("XMPP stream error: {error}".format( error=self.errorinstance)) elif name == (NS_IETF_XMPP_TLS, 'proceed'): self.state = XMPP_STATE_PROCEED_STARTTLS elif name == (NS_IETF_XMPP_TLS, 'failure'): raise XmppException("starttls initiation failed") _LOG.debug('end %s', name) del self.inelem[-1] def characters(self, content): elem = self.inelem[-1] if elem == (NS_IETF_XMPP_SASL, 'mechanism'): self.mechanisms.append(content) elif self.state == XMPP_STATE_ERROR: if elem == (NS_IETF_XMPP_STREAMS, 'text'): self.errorinstance.text = content else: self.errorinstance.other_elements[elem]['text'] = content else: _LOG.warning('ignored content in %s: %s', self.inelem, content) def is_valid_start(self): if not self.state == XMPP_STATE_RECEIVED_FEATURES: raise XmppException('XMPP feature list is not finished') if self.expect_starttls is True and self.starttls is False: raise XmppException('expected STARTTLS capable service') if ( 'version' not in self.streaminfo or self.streaminfo['version'] != '1.0' ): _LOG.warning( 'unknown stream version %s', self.streaminfo['version']) return True class Xmpp(nagiosplugin.Resource): """ Xmpp resource. """ state = nagiosplugin.Unknown cause = None socket = None daysleft = None def __init__( self, host_address, port, ipv6, is_server, starttls, servername, checkcerts, caroots ): self.address = host_address self.port = port self.ipv6 = ipv6 self.is_server = is_server self.starttls = starttls self.servername = servername self.checkcerts = checkcerts self.caroots = caroots self.make_parser() self.set_content_handler() def make_parser(self): """ Create and configure a SAX parser instance. """ self.parser = make_parser() self.parser.setFeature(feature_namespaces, True) def set_content_handler(self): """ Set the XMPP SAX content handler. """ self.contenthandler = XmppResponseHandler( expect_starttls=self.starttls) self.parser.setContentHandler(self.contenthandler) def get_addrinfo(self): """ Perform the DNS lookup and return a list of potential socket address tuples as returned by :py:method:`socket.getaddrinfo`. """ if self.ipv6 is None: addrfamily = 0 elif self.ipv6 is True: addrfamily = socket.AF_INET6 else: addrfamily = socket.AF_INET return socket.getaddrinfo( self.address, self.port, addrfamily, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) self.result = nagiosplugin.Critical def open_socket(self, addrinfo): """ Open a client socket based on information in the addrinfo list of tuples. """ for res in addrinfo: af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res try: s = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto) except socket.error: s = None continue try: s.connect(sa) except socket.error: s.close() s = None continue break if s is None: raise XmppException("could not open socket") return s def handle_xmpp_stanza( self, message_str, timeout=0.1, expected_state=None ): """ Handle a single XMPP message. This method sends the message specified as ``message_str`` and receives input from the remote XMPP server. The response message is passed to the SAX parser. The method can optionally check for a specific state of the SAX content handler that can be specified as ``expected_state`` which needs to be one of the ``XMPP_STATE_*`` constants specified in the head of this file. """ self.socket.sendall(message_str.encode('utf-8')) _LOG.debug("wrote %s", message_str) chunks = [] while True: rready, wready, xready = select([self.socket], [], [], timeout) if self.socket in rready: data = self.socket.recv(4096) if not data: break chunks.append(data) else: break xmltext = b''.join(chunks).decode('utf-8') _LOG.debug("read %s", xmltext) self.parser.feed(xmltext) if ( expected_state is not None and self.contenthandler.state != expected_state ): raise XmppException( "unexpected state %s" % self.contenthandler.state) def start_stream(self): """ Start a XMPP conversation with the server. """ if self.is_server: self.handle_xmpp_stanza(( "" ).format(servername=self.servername), expected_state=XMPP_STATE_RECEIVED_FEATURES) else: self.handle_xmpp_stanza(( "" ).format(servername=self.servername), expected_state=XMPP_STATE_RECEIVED_FEATURES) def setup_ssl_context(self): """ Setup the SSL/TLS context. """ context = ssl.create_default_context() context.options = ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2 | ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3 if not self.checkcerts: context.check_hostname = False context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE else: context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if self.caroots: if os.path.isfile(self.caroots): kwargs = {'cafile': self.caroots} else: kwargs = {'capath': self.caroots} context.load_verify_locations(**kwargs) else: context.load_default_certs() stats = context.cert_store_stats() if stats['x509_ca'] == 0: _LOG.info( "tried to load CA certificates from default locations, but" " could not find any CA certificates.") raise XmppException('no CA certificates found') else: _LOG.debug('certificate store statistics: %s', stats) return context def initiate_tls(self): """ Switch the client socket to TLS by performing a TLS handshake. If certificate checks are requested the method checks the certificate validity. """ _LOG.debug("start initiate_tls()") self.handle_xmpp_stanza( "".format(xmlns=NS_IETF_XMPP_TLS), expected_state=XMPP_STATE_PROCEED_STARTTLS) sslcontext = self.setup_ssl_context() try: self.socket = sslcontext.wrap_socket( self.socket, server_hostname=self.servername) _LOG.info("TLS socket setup successful") except ssl.SSLError as ssle: raise XmppException("SSL error %s" % ssle.strerror) except ssl.CertificateError as certerr: raise XmppException("Certificate error %s" % certerr) self.starttls = False # reset infos retrieved previously as written in RFC 3920 sec. 5. self.parser.reset() if self.checkcerts: certinfo = self.socket.getpeercert() _LOG.debug("got the following certificate info: %s", certinfo) _LOG.info( "certificate is valid from %s until %s", certinfo['notBefore'], certinfo['notAfter']) enddate = ssl.cert_time_to_seconds(certinfo['notAfter']) remaining = datetime.fromtimestamp(enddate) - datetime.now() self.daysleft = remaining.days # start new parsing self.make_parser() self.set_content_handler() self.start_stream() if not self.contenthandler.is_valid_start(): raise XmppException("no valid response to XMPP client request") _LOG.debug("end initiate_tls()") def handle_xmpp(self): """ Perform the XMPP conversation. """ _LOG.debug("start handle_xmpp()") self.start_stream() if not self.contenthandler.is_valid_start(): raise XmppException("no valid response to XMPP client request") if self.starttls is True or self.contenthandler.tlsrequired: self.initiate_tls() self.handle_xmpp_stanza("") _LOG.debug("end handle_xmpp()") def probe(self): """ Entry point for the nagiosplugin.Resource APIs. Wraps the call to :py:method:`Xmpp.handle_xmpp` and handles errors appropriately. """ start = datetime.now() _LOG.debug("start probe() at %s", start) try: addrinfo = self.get_addrinfo() self.socket = self.open_socket(addrinfo) try: self.handle_xmpp() finally: self.socket.close() self.parser.close() except socket.gaierror as e: self.state = nagiosplugin.Critical self.cause = str(e) _LOG.debug("got an gaierror %s", e) return nagiosplugin.Metric("time", "unknown") except XmppException as e: self.state = nagiosplugin.Critical self.cause = e.message _LOG.debug("got an XmppException %s", e) yield nagiosplugin.Metric('time', 'unknown') return nagiosplugin.Metric('daysleft', 'unknown') end = datetime.now() _LOG.debug("end probe() at %s", end) yield nagiosplugin.Metric( 'time', (end - start).total_seconds(), 's', min=0) yield nagiosplugin.Metric('daysleft', self.daysleft, 'd') class XmppContext(nagiosplugin.ScalarContext): """ Context for checking the connection time and potential errors that occurred during the XMPP check. """ def evaluate(self, metric, resource): """ Evaluate the time contained in the ``metric`` or the resource state in case of an exception that has been handled during the check. """ if resource.cause: return nagiosplugin.Result(resource.state, resource.cause, metric) return super(XmppContext, self).evaluate(metric, resource) class DaysValidContext(nagiosplugin.Context): """ Context for checking the certificate expiry date. """ fmt_hint = "less than {value} days" def __init__( self, name, warndays=0, critdays=0, fmt_metric='certificate valid for {value} days' ): super(DaysValidContext, self).__init__(name, fmt_metric=fmt_metric) self.warning = nagiosplugin.Range('@%d:' % warndays) self.critical = nagiosplugin.Range('@%d:' % critdays) self.warndays = warndays self.critdays = critdays def evaluate(self, metric, resource): if resource.checkcerts and metric.value is not None: if self.critical.match(metric.value): return nagiosplugin.Result( nagiosplugin.Critical, hint=self.fmt_hint.format(value=self.critdays), metric=metric) if self.warning.match(metric.value): return nagiosplugin.Result( nagiosplugin.Warn, hint=self.fmt_hint.format(value=self.warndays), metric=metric) return nagiosplugin.Result( nagiosplugin.Ok, "", metric) return nagiosplugin.Result(nagiosplugin.Ok) def performance(self, metric, resource): if resource.checkcerts and metric.value is not None: return nagiosplugin.Performance('daysvalid', metric.value, 'd') return None class XmppSummary(nagiosplugin.Summary): """ Summary instance that outputs all metrics if the check results are ok. """ def ok(self, results): return ", ".join([str(res) for res in results]) @nagiosplugin.guarded def main(): """ Handle command line parameters and initiate the check. """ import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Check XMPP services") parser.add_argument( "-H", "--host-address", help="host address", required=True) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--port", help="port", type=int) is_server = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() is_server.add_argument( "--s2s", dest="is_server", action='store_true', help="server to server (s2s)") is_server.add_argument( "--c2s", dest="is_server", action='store_false', help="client to server (c2s)") ipv6 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() ipv6.add_argument( "-4", "--ipv4", dest="ipv6", action='store_false', help="enforce IPv4") ipv6.add_argument( "-6", "--ipv6", dest="ipv6", action='store_true', help="enforce IPv6") parser.add_argument( "--servername", help="server name to be used") parser.add_argument( "--starttls", action='store_true', help="check whether the service allows starttls") parser.add_argument( "-w", "--warning", metavar="SECONDS", default='', help="return warning if connection setup takes longer than SECONDS") parser.add_argument( "-c", "--critical", metavar="SECONDS", default='', help="return critical if connection setup takes longer than SECONDS") parser.add_argument( "--no-check-certificates", dest='checkcerts', action='store_false', help="do not check whether the XMPP server's certificate is valid") parser.add_argument( "-r", "--ca-roots", dest="caroots", help="path to a file or directory where CA certifcates can be found") parser.add_argument( "--warn-days", dest="warndays", type=int, default=0, help=( "set state to WARN if the certificate is valid for not more than " "the given number of days")) parser.add_argument( "--crit-days", dest="critdays", type=int, default=0, help=( "set state to CRITICAL if the certificate is valid for not more " "than the given number of days")) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0) parser.set_defaults(is_server=False, ipv6=None, checkcerts=True) args = parser.parse_args() if args.port is None: if args.is_server: args.port = 5269 else: args.port = 5222 if args.servername is None: args.servername = args.host_address kwargs = vars(args) warning, critical, warndays, critdays, verbose = [ kwargs.pop(arg) for arg in ('warning', 'critical', 'warndays', 'critdays', 'verbose') ] check = nagiosplugin.Check( Xmpp(**kwargs), XmppContext( 'time', warning, critical, fmt_metric="request took {value}{uom}"), DaysValidContext('daysleft', warndays, critdays), XmppSummary(), ) check.main(verbose=verbose, timeout=0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()