add documentation on how to add a new URL

This commit is contained in:
Jan Dittberner 2013-02-24 22:52:36 +01:00
parent 1fc616adf7
commit 9706f2777c

View file

@ -118,3 +118,51 @@ Common development tasks
Add new URL Add new URL
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Debian Member Portfolio Service uses a ini style configuration file
:file:`ddportfolioservice/model/ddportfolio.ini` to configure the generated URL
patterns. The actual URL generation is done in
in the
If you want to add a new URL type you have to add a line in
:file:`ddportfolio.ini` and an entry in
dictionary. The top level dictionary keys correspond to sections in the ini
file. The dictionary values are dictionaries themselves that contain a special
key ``label`` that defines the label of the section in the output and keys for
each entry to be rendered in that section. The values in these sub-dictionaries
are strings marked for translation using the :py:func:`~pylons.i18n._` function from
The patterns in :file:`ddportfolio.ini` can contain the following placeholders
that are filled at runtime:
================== ========================================
Placeholder Replacement
================== ========================================
%(aliothusername)s user name on ``_
%(email)s email address (URL encoded)
%(emailnoq)s email address
%(firstchar)s first character of the email address
%(forumsid)d forum user id
%(gpgfp)s GNUPG/PGP key fingerprint
%(name)s full name (i.e. John Smith)
%(username)s Debian user name
%(wikihomepage)s full name in camel case (i.e. JohnSmith)
================== ========================================
The replacement of placeholders is performed in the
method. And uses data from the Debian keyring. Access to the pre-parsed keyring
data is performed using the
:py:func:`~ddportfolioservice.model.dddatabuilder.build_data` function of the
module :py:mod:`ddportfolioservice.model.dddatabuilder`, which uses several
helper functions from :py:mod:`ddportfolioservice.model.keyfinder` to access
the key information.