Changelog ========= * :release:`0.1.6 <2020-03-02>` * :bug:`-` remove disfunctional code in create_web_php_fpm_pool_config * :release:`0.1.5 <2020-02-29>` * :bug:`-` fix path to systemctl * :bug:`-` reduce template for nginx vhosts to the bare minimum to use letsencrypt’s certbot * :release:`0.1.4 <2019-09-07>` * :bug:`-` remove handling of php-fpm reloads * :bug:`-` use systemctl to reload nginx * :release:`0.1.3 <2019-09-07>` * :bug:`-` fix handling of manually removed configuration files * :release:`0.1.2 <2019-06-30>` * :bug:`5` ignore missing site configuration when disabling sites * :bug:`-` add listen directive to enable IPv6 * :release:`0.1.1 <2015-01-27>` * :bug:`-` force symlink creation for enable_web_vhost task to make it idempotent * :release:`0.1.0 <2015-01-27>` * :feature:`-` add tasks to setup and delete per user PHP5 FPM pool configurations * :feature:`-` add tasks to setup, enable, disable and delete nginx virtual host configurations * :support:`-` initial project setup