""" This module defines Celery_ tasks to manage MySQL users and database. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals from celery import shared_task from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger from gvamysql import settings from MySQLdb import connect _LOGGER = get_task_logger(__name__) def _get_connection(): return connect( host=settings.GVAMYSQL_DBADMIN_HOST, port=settings.GVAMYSQL_DBADMIN_PORT, user=settings.GVAMYSQL_DBADMIN_USER, passwd=settings.GVAMYSQL_DBADMIN_PASSWORD, db='mysql', ) @shared_task def create_mysql_user(username, password): """ This task creates a new MySQL user. :param str username: the user name :param str password: the password :return: the created user's name :rtype: str """ conn = _get_connection() curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute( """ CREATE USER %(username)s@'%%' IDENTIFIED BY %(password)s """, {'username': username, 'password': password} ) conn.commit() return username @shared_task def set_mysql_userpassword(username, password): """ Set a new password for an existing MySQL user. :param str username: the user name :param str password: the password :return: True if the password could be set, False otherwise :rtype: boolean """ conn = _get_connection() curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute( """ SET PASSWORD FOR %(username)s = PASSWORD(%(password)s) """, {'username': username, 'password': password}) conn.commit() return True @shared_task def delete_mysql_user(username): """ This task deletes an existing MySQL user. :param str username: the user name :return: True if the user has been deleted, False otherwise :rtype: boolean """ conn = _get_connection() curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute( """ DROP USER %(username)s@'%%' """, {'username': username}) conn.commit() return True @shared_task def create_mysql_database(dbname, username): """ This task creates a new MySQL database for the given MySQL user. :param str dbname: database name :param str username: the user name of an existing MySQL user :return: the database name :rtype: str """ conn = _get_connection() curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute( """ CREATE DATABASE `%(dbname)s` CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci """ % {'dbname': dbname}) curs.execute( """ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `%(dbname)s`.* TO %%(username)s@'%%%%' """ % {'dbname': dbname}, {'username': username}) conn.commit() return dbname @shared_task def delete_mysql_database(dbname, username): """ This task deletes an existing MySQL database and revokes privileges of the given user on that database. :param str dbname: database name :param str username: the user name of an existing MySQL user :return: True if the database has been deleted, False otherwise :rtype: boolean """ conn = _get_connection() curs = conn.cursor() curs.execute( """ REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON `%(dbname)s`.* FROM %%(username)s@'%%%%' """ % {'dbname': dbname}, {'username': username}) conn.commit() return True