Commit graph

7 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jan Dittberner 06df1c5f0b remove unnecessary dependency on South 2014-12-17 21:12:32 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 1034fbbb52 improve production settings 2014-05-31 18:00:11 +02:00
Jan Dittberner 4f4247ea9d add documentation for gvaldap project code 2014-05-31 16:12:36 +02:00
Jan Dittberner 5174e144ba use YAML for celery serialization
  CELERY_RESULT_SERIALIZER in gvaldap.settings.base
- add pyaml to requirements/base.txt
2014-05-30 18:37:58 +02:00
Jan Dittberner 1575725bcb add celery tasks
- add celery application code in gvaldap.celery
- add osusers app to mimic the osusers code in the main gnuviechadmin code
- add celery configuration settings to gvaldap.settings.base
- add osusers.models.Group and osusers.models.User
- add osusers.tasks.create_ldap_group and osusers.tasks.create_ldap_user
- add billiard, kombu and pytz to requirements/base.txt
2014-05-30 12:12:21 +02:00
Jan Dittberner 3babbc5b3f implement LDAP group and user classes
- add app ldapentities
- add new settings GROUP_BASE_DN and USER_BASE_DN
- implement ldapentities.models.LdapUser and ldapentities.models.LdapGroup
- implement ldapentities.admin.LdapUserAdmin and
2014-05-30 01:07:25 +02:00
Jan Dittberner ccb7fc7b6b initial project based on twoscoops template
- used
- removed templates and static files
- changed requirements, settings and docs
2014-05-29 23:57:19 +02:00