Jan Dittberner
This commit adds a lot of documentation including block diagramms for message flows.
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396 lines
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This module defines task stubs for the tasks implemented in the gvafile Celery
from __future__ import absolute_import
from celery import shared_task
def setup_file_sftp_userdir(username, *args, **kwargs):
This task creates the home directory for an SFTP user if it does not exist
:param str username: the username
:raises Exception: if the SFTP directory of the user cannot be created
:return: a dictionary with the key :py:const:`username` set to the
username value and a new key :py:const:`sftp_directory` set to the
path of the created SFTP directory
:rtype: dict
.. note::
This variant can only be used at the beginning of a Celery task chain
or as a standalone task.
Use :py:func:`fileservertasks.tasks.setup_file_sftp_userdir_chained`
at other positions in the task chain.
def setup_file_sftp_userdir_chained(previous_result, *args, **kwargs):
This task creates the home directory for an SFTP user if it does not exist
:param dict previous_result: a dictionary describing the result of the
previous step in the Celery task chain. This dictionary must contain a
:py:const:`username` key
:raises Exception: if the SFTP directory of the user cannot be created
:return: a copy of the :py:obj:`previous_result` dictionary with a new
:py:const:`sftp_directory` key set to the path of the created SFTP
:rtype: dict
def delete_file_sftp_userdir(username, *args, **kwargs):
This task recursively deletes the home directory of an SFTP user if it
:param str username: the username
:raises Exception: if the SFTP directory of the user cannot be removed
:return: a dictionary with the key :py:const:`username` set to the username
value and the new key :py:const:`sftp_directory` set to the path of the
deleted SFTP directory
:rtype: dict
.. note::
This variant can only be used at the beginning of a Celery task chain
or as a standalone task.
Use :py:func:`fileservertasks.tasks.delete_file_sftp_userdir_chained`
at other positions in the task chain.
def delete_file_sftp_userdir_chained(previous_result, *args, **kwargs):
This task recursively deletes the home directory of an SFTP user if it
:param dict previous_result: a dictionary describing the result of the
previous step in the Celery task chain. This dictionary must contain a
:py:const:`username` key
:raises Exception: if the SFTP directory of the user cannot be removed
:return: a copy of the :py:obj:`previous_result` dictionary with a new
:py:const:`sftp_directory` key set to the path of the removed SFTP
:rtype: dict
def setup_file_mail_userdir(username, *args, **kwargs):
This task creates the mail base directory for a user if it does not exist
:param str username: the username
:raises Exception: if the mail base directory for the user cannot be
:return: a dictionary with the key :py:const:`username` set to the
username value and a new key :py:const:`mail_directory` set to the path
of the created mail directory
:rtype: dict
.. note::
This variant can only be used at the beginning of a Celery task chain
or as a standalone task.
Use :py:func:`fileservertasks.tasks.setup_file_mail_userdir_chained`
at other positions in the task chain.
def setup_file_mail_userdir_chained(previous_result, *args, **kwargs):
This task creates the mail base directory for a user if it does not exist
:param dict previous_result: a dictionary containing the result of the
previous step in the Celery task chain. This dictionary must contain a
:py:const:`username` key
:raises Exception: if the mail base directory for the user cannot be
:return: a copy of the :py:obj:`previous_result` dictionary with a new
:py:const:`mail_directory` key set to the path of the created mail
:rtype: dict
def delete_file_mail_userdir(username, *args, **kwargs):
This task recursively deletes the mail base directory for a user if it
does not exist yet.
:param str username: the username
:raises Exception: if the mail base directory of the user cannot be deleted
:return: a dictionary with the key :py:const:`username` set to the
username value and a new key :py:const:`mail_directory` set to the path
of the deleted mail directory
:rtype: dict
.. note::
This variant can only be used at the beginning of a Celery task chain
or as a standalone task.
Use :py:func:`fileservertasks.tasks.delete_file_mail_userdir_chained`
at other positions in the task chain.
def delete_file_mail_userdir_chained(previous_result, *args, **kwargs):
This task recursively deletes the mail base directory for a user if it
does not exist yet.
:param dict previous_result: a dictionary describing the result of the
previous step in the Celery task chain. This dictionary must contain a
:py:const:`username` key
:raises Exception: if the mail base directory of the user cannot be deleted
:return: a copy of the :py:obj:`previous_result` dictionary with a new
:py:const:`mail_directory` key set to the path of the deleted mail
:rtype: str
def create_file_mailbox(username, mailboxname, *args, **kwargs):
This task creates a new mailbox directory for the given user and mailbox
:param str username: the username
:param str mailboxname: the mailbox name
:raises Exception: if the mailbox directory cannot be created
:return: a dictionary with the keys :py:const:`username` and
:py:const:`mailboxname` set to the values of username and mailboxname
and a new key :py:const:`mailbox_directory` set to the path of the
created mailbox directory
:rtype: dict
.. note::
This variant can only be used at the beginning of a Celery task chain
or as a standalone task.
Use :py:func:`fileservertasks.tasks.create_file_mailbox_chained` at
other positions in the task chain.
def create_file_mailbox_chained(previous_result, *args, **kwargs):
This task creates a new mailbox directory for the given user and mailbox
:param dict previous_result: a dictionary describing the result of the
previous step in the Celery task chain. This dictionary must contain a
:py:const:`username` and a :py:const:`mailboxname` key
:raises Exception: if the mailbox directory cannot be created
:return: a copy of the :py:obj:`previous_result` dictionary with a new
:py:const:`mailbox_directory` key set to the path of the created
mailbox directory
:rtype: dict
def delete_file_mailbox(username, mailboxname, *args, **kwargs):
This task deletes the given mailbox of the given user.
:param str username: the username
:param str mailboxname: the mailbox name
:raises Exception: if the mailbox directory cannot be deleted
:return: a dictionary with the keys :py:const:`username` and
:py:const:`mailboxname` set to the values of username and mailboxname
and a new key :py:const:`mailbox_directory` set to the path of the
deleted mailbox directory
:rtype: dict
.. note::
This variant can only be used at the beginning of a Celery task chain
or as a standalone task.
Use :py:func:`fileservertasks.tasks.delete_file_mailbox_chained` for
other positions in the task chain.
def delete_file_mailbox_chained(previous_result, *args, **kwargs):
This task deletes the given mailbox of the given user.
:param dict previous_result: a dictionary describing the result of the
previous step in the Celery task chain. This dictionary must contain a
:py:const:`username` and a :py:const:`mailboxname` key
:raises Exception: if the mailbox directory cannot be deleted
:return: a copy of the :py:obj:`previous_result` dictionary with a new
:py:const:`mailbox_directory` key set to the path of the deleted
mailbox directory
:rtype: dict
def create_file_website_hierarchy(username, sitename, *args, **kwargs):
This task creates the directory hierarchy for a website.
:param str username: the username
:param str sitename: the sitename
:raises Exception: if the website directory hierarchy directory cannot be
:return: a dictionary with the keys :py:const:`username` and
:py:const:`sitename` set to the values of username and sitename and a
new key :py:const:`website_directory` set to the path of the created
website directory
:rtype: dict
.. note::
This variant can only be used at the beginning of a Celery task chain
or as a standalone task.
at other positions in the task chain
def create_file_website_hierarchy_chained(previous_result, *args, **kwargs):
This task creates the directory hierarchy for a website.
:param dict previous_result: a dictionary describing the result of the
previous step in the Celery task chain. This dictionary must contain a
:py:const:`username` and a :py:const:`sitename` key
:raises Exception: if the website directory hierarchy directory cannot be
:return: a copy of the :py:obj:`previous_result` dictionary with a new
:py:const:`website_directory` key set to the path of the created
website directory
:rtype: dict
def delete_file_website_hierarchy(username, sitename, *args, **kwargs):
This task deletes a website hierarchy recursively.
:param str username: a username
:param str sitename: a site name
:return: a dictionary with the keys :py:const:`username` and
:py:const:`sitename` set to their original values and a new key
:py:const:`website_directory` set to the path of the deleted website
:rtype: dict
.. note::
This variant can only be used at the beginning of a Celery task chain
or as a standalone task.
at other positions in the task chain
def delete_file_website_hierarchy_chained(previous_result, *args, **kwargs):
This task deletes the website hierarchy recursively.
:param dict previous_result: a dictionary describing the result of the
previous step in the Celery task chain. This dictionary must contain a
:py:const:`username` and a :py:const:`sitename` key
:raises Exception: if the website directory hierarchy directory cannot be
:return: a copy of the :py:obj:`previous_result` dictionary with a new
:py:const:`website_directory` set to the path of the deleted website
:rtype: dict
def set_file_ssh_authorized_keys(username, ssh_keys, *args, **kwargs):
This task set the authorized keys for ssh logins.
:param str username: a username
:param list ssh_keys: a list of ssh keys
:raises Exception: if the update of the creation or update of ssh
authorized_keys failed
:return: a dictionary with the keys :py:const:`username` and
:py:const:`ssh_keys` set to their original values and a new key
:py:const:`ssh_authorized_keys` set to the path of the SSH
authorized_keys file
:rtype: dict
.. note::
This variant can only be used at the beginning of a Celery task chain
or as a standalone task.
at other positions in the task chain
def set_file_ssh_authorized_keys_chained(previous_result, *args, **kwargs):
This task sets the authorized keys for ssh logins.
:param dict previous_result: a dictionary describing the result of the
previous step in the Celery task chain. This dictionary must contain a
:py:const:`username` and a :py:const:`ssh_keys` key
:raises Exception: if the update of the creation or update of ssh
authorized_keys failed
:return: a copy of the :py:obj:`previous_result` dictionary with a new
:py:const:`ssh_authorized_keys` set to the path of the SSH
authorized_keys file
:rtype: dict