Commit graph

15 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jan Dittberner 6cebd80c89 Started port to Django 2.1, Python 3, Docker
This commit is a rough port to Django 2.1, Python 3 and a Docker based local
development setup. Tests fail/error but migrations and the web frontend are
already runnable. Task queue functionality is untested and translations seem to
have trouble.
2018-11-19 23:28:40 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 085b126416 Update to Django 1.9
- update all dependencies
- fix deprecation warnings and errors for Django 1.9 compatibility
2015-12-19 20:11:23 +01:00
Jan Dittberner be0531ec30 Add test for gnuviechadmin.celery
This commit adds a refactoring for gnuviechadmin.celery to make the
installed apps detection testable. The test is added in
gnuviechadmin.tests.test_celery. Debug code in gnuviechadmin.urls is no
excluded from coverage reporting.
2015-11-22 14:31:04 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 52b6dd5845 add contact_form link in top navigation
- add contact_form URLs to gnuviechadmin.urls
- set href of contact link to 'contact_form'
2015-02-01 19:37:13 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 2b0f1f9f89 add imprint as flatpage
- add flatpages app to gnuviechadmin.settings.base.DJANGO_APPS
- add imprint handling to gnuviechadmin.context_processors.navigation, remove
  unused about page handling
- add URL 'imprint' to gnuviechadmin.urls
- replace link 'about' in template base.html with 'imprint'
- add templates for flatpages
- add german translation for imprint and contact navigation links
2015-02-01 16:39:01 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 711a96212c implement adding websites
- implement websites.models.Website
- add migration
- implement websites.views.AddWebsite
- implement websites.forms.AddWebsiteForm
- define URL pattern 'add_website' in websites.urls
- register Website model in websites.admin
- add templates websites/base.html and websites/website_create.html
- add german translation for new strings
- add website URLs to gnuviechadmin.urls
- add websites to INSTALLED_APPS
- add changelog entry
2015-01-26 22:49:16 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 486c07d27d link from hostingpackages details to add_userdatabase
- add database URLs to gnuviechadmin.urls
- add link in template hostingpackages/customerhostingpackage_detail.html
- add changelog entry for new feature
2015-01-26 12:07:56 +01:00
Jan Dittberner d1119331d8 enable mailbox creation
- add managemails.urls to gnuviechadmin.urls
- add link to create_mailbox to customerhostingpackage_detail.html template
- document feature in changelog
2015-01-25 12:16:18 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 1690cace4d implement hosting domain creation
- implement domains.views.CreateHostingDomain
- define new URL create_hosting_domain in domains.urls
- add domains app URLs to gnuviechadmin.urls
- add templates domains/base.html and domains/hostingdomain_create.html
- link from hostingpackage detail page to domain creation view
2015-01-25 00:40:43 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 150366a524 plug users and hosting packages together
- document new feature in changelog
- add autogenerated documentation for osusers.urls and osusers.views
- add osuser URLs to gnuviechadmin.urls
- implement get_absolute_url in hostingpackages.models.CustomerHostingPackage
- use set_ldap_user_password instead of create_ldap_user for existing OS users
  in osusers.models.User.set_password
- add URL pattern set_osuser_password in osusers.urls
- implement osusers.views.SetOsUserPassword to set the password of an existing
  operating system user
- link to hosting package detail view on user dashboard
- add template hostingpackages/customerhostingpackage_detail.html
- add template osusers/user_setpassword.html
2015-01-24 16:26:32 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 680f091cba incomplete create_hosting_package view
- add staff user view create_hosting_package
- add hostingpackages.forms.CreateHostingPackageForm
- add hostingpackages.views.CreateHostingPackage
- add link for staff users on user_dashboard page
- add url pattern
- TODO: implement saving the hosting package, update docs
2015-01-20 00:51:05 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 286c477efc add allauth settings and URLs 2015-01-17 16:28:19 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 2bc278ae92 implement login and logout
- add LogoutView to dashboard app
- define logout URL pattern
- only use login view from django.contrib.auth.views instead of including all
  auth URLs
- change base template to support login/logout
- add template dashboard/user_dashboard.html
2015-01-17 15:42:47 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 8a29e4001c add dashboard app
- add new dashboard app providing dashboards for anonymous and logged in users
- cleanup gnuviechadmin.urls:
  - import dashboard.urls and include dashboard_urls at URL root
  - import authentication urls and include them below /auth
  - remove generated commented code
2015-01-17 14:05:04 +01:00
Jan Dittberner 8e19d3630d auto generated project 2014-05-18 00:07:32 +02:00