Fork 0
Jan Dittberner fdea3217c8 - mail related tables in database schema
- gpg encryption for mails
- domain creation and deletion completed
- logging
- use pwd and grp

git-svn-id: file:///home/www/usr01/svn/gnuviechadmin/gnuviech.info/gnuviechadmin/trunk@230 a67ec6bc-e5d5-0310-a910-815c51eb3124
2007-07-09 06:46:36 +00:00

43 lines
1 KiB

includepath = /etc/modlogan
include = modlogan.def.conf,global
loadplugin = input_clf
loadplugin = processor_web
loadplugin = output_modlogan
statedir = ${statsdir}
incremental = 1
enable_resolver = 1
read_ahead_limit = 100
# to group known bot attacks like Nimda and CodeRed
include = group.url.conf,group_exploits
# to use the german file extension descriptions uncomment the following
#include = group.extension.conf,groupext_german
# include the default config
include = modlogan.def.conf,processor_web
# to only have pages listed, not files
# to not show people they're reading the stats more often than people their page...
debug_searchengines = 1
hidereferrer = "^http://([^.]+\.)*${domainesc}/"
## configure the output generator
include = modlogan.def.conf,output_modlogan
hostname = ${domain}
outputdir = ${statsdir}
## configure the parser
include = modlogan.def.conf,input_clf
inputfile = -