[global] includepath = /etc/modlogan include = modlogan.def.conf,global loadplugin = input_clf loadplugin = processor_web loadplugin = output_modlogan statedir = ${statsdir} incremental = 1 enable_resolver = 1 read_ahead_limit = 100 [processor_web] # to group known bot attacks like Nimda and CodeRed include = group.url.conf,group_exploits # to use the german file extension descriptions uncomment the following #include = group.extension.conf,groupext_german # include the default config include = modlogan.def.conf,processor_web # to only have pages listed, not files #hideurl="\.(?i:gif|png|jpe?g|css|js|class|mid|swf|mp3|mpg)$$" # to not show people they're reading the stats more often than people their page... hideurl="^/stats" debug_searchengines = 1 hidereferrer = "^http://([^.]+\.)*${domainesc}/" ## configure the output generator [output_modlogan] include = modlogan.def.conf,output_modlogan hostname = ${domain} outputdir = ${statsdir} ## configure the parser [input_clf] include = modlogan.def.conf,input_clf inputfile = -