reseller management (NOT YET)

client management
- add client
- delete client
- create bills
- account traffic

dns management
- add zones
- whois search
- register domains
- add records
- change records
- delete records
- delete zones

apache administration
- associate domain with vhost entry
- associate domain with path in vhost
- special httpd.conf entries for host
- logfile analysis
- statistics per vhost

shell access (ssh)
- allow input of rsa/dsa public keys in web frontend
- set valid shell

imap/pop3 management
- create pop3/imap mailbox for client with generated passwords
- associate email address from client's domain to pop3/imap mailboxes

quota management
- assign quotas to pop3/imap, diskspace for website and databases (if possible)

postgresql management
- create databases for client

mysql management
- create databases for client

- create per user and per domain configuration for modlogan