""" Session manager class for gnuviech-admin tool backend (c) 2006 Jan Dittberner $Id$ """ import Settings import os, sha, time, logging, psycopg2 from threading import Timer SESSIONTIMEOUT=120 # 2 minutes class InvalidLoginError(Exception): """ Exception class for invalid logins. """ pass class InvalidSessionError(Exception): """ Exception class for invalid sessions. """ pass class Session: def __init__(self, id, login): self.id = id self.login = login self._timeoutTimer = None def settimeoutTimer(self, timeoutTimer): self._timeoutTimer = timeoutTimer self._timeoutTimer.start() def gettimeoutTimer(self): return self._timeoutTimer class SessionManager: """ The Sessionmanager provides methods for login and session handling. """ def __init__(self, dbconn): self._sessions = {} self._dbconn = dbconn self._hashobj = sha.new(str(time.time())) self.logger = logging.getLogger('SessionManager') def listSessions(self): return self._sessions.keys() def newSession(self, login, password): cr = self._dbconn.cursor() cr.execute('SELECT * FROM sysuser WHERE name=%(login)s AND md5pass=md5(%(password)s)' % {'login': psycopg2.QuotedString(login), 'password' : psycopg2.QuotedString(password)}) self._dbconn.commit() result = cr.fetchall() if cr.rowcount == 1: self._hashobj.update("%s,%s" % (time.time(), login)) sessionid = self._hashobj.hexdigest() self._sessions[sessionid] = Session(sessionid, login) self.updateSession(sessionid) self.logger.info('New session with id %s created for %s' % (sessionid, login)) return sessionid self.logger.info('Login for %s failed' % login) raise InvalidLoginError def updateSession(self, sessionid): self.logger.debug("update session %s" % sessionid) try: session = self.getSession(sessionid) except InvalidSessionError, ev: pass else: if session.gettimeoutTimer() is not None: session.gettimeoutTimer().cancel() session.settimeoutTimer(Timer(SESSIONTIMEOUT, self.deleteSession, args=[sessionid])) def getSession(self, sessionid): if self._sessions.has_key(sessionid): return self._sessions[sessionid] raise InvalidSessionError() def deleteSession(self, sessionid): self.logger.debug("delete session %s" % sessionid) try: session = self.getSession(sessionid) except InvalidSessionError: print "invalid session" else: if session.gettimeoutTimer() is not None: session.gettimeoutTimer().cancel() del(self._sessions[sessionid]) self.logger.debug("%d sessions remaining" % len(self.listSessions()))