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class FileAppender

Declared in module log4py


class FileAppender:
    def log4py.FileAppender.__FileAppender_date_string(self, modification_time) # (private) Returns a new filename for the rotated file with the appropriate time included. 
    def log4py.FileAppender.__FileAppender_rotate(self, modification_time) # (private) Check, wether the file has to be rotated yet or not. 
    def log4py.FileAppender.__init__(self, filename, rotation=0) # (private) Class initalization & customization. 
    def log4py.FileAppender.get_rotation(self) #  Returns the current rotation setting. 
    def log4py.FileAppender.set_rotation(self, rotation) #  Set the file rotation mode to one of ROTATE_NONE, ROTATE_DAILY, ROTATE_WEEKLY, ROTATE_MONTHLY 
    def log4py.FileAppender.write(self, text) #  Write some text to the file appender. 
    def log4py.FileAppender.writeline(self, text) #  Write some text including newline to the file appender. 

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