#! /usr/bin/env python import os, string import gnuviech #from GNVAdm import GNVDomain from gnuviech import GNVPrefs, tools from gnuviech.gnvdomain import GNVDomain # if [ -n $USERPREFIX ]; then # USERPREFIX="usr" # fi # if [ $1 == "" ]; then # echo "give p as parameter" # exit # fi # NEWUSER="$USERPREFIX$1" # NEWHOME="/home/mail/$NEWUSER" # NEWPASS=$(apg -n 1 -a 1 -CL -m 8 -x 12) # echo $NEWHOME # adduser --home "$NEWHOME" --shell /bin/true --no-create-home --firstuid 20000 --ingroup poponly --disabled-password --disabled-login --gecos "Popuser $NEWUSER" $NEWUSER # mkdir -p "$NEWHOME" # chown -Rc $NEWUSER.poponly "$NEWHOME" # echo "${NEWUSER}:${NEWPASS}" | chpasswd # echo "Herzlich willkommen auf dem GNU-Viech" | mail -s "Willkommen auf dem GNU-Viech" ${NEWUSER} # echo added new pop3 user $NEWUSER with password $NEWPASS class MailAliasExists(Exception): pass class POP3AccountExists(Exception): pass class MailAccount: def __init__(self, domain, localpart): "Initialize a MailAccount instance for a given domain" if (not os.access(gnuviech.GNVPrefs.VIRTUALDOMDIR, os.R_OK & os.X_OK)): self.setupDirs() self.domain = domain self.localpart = localpart self.prefs = domain.prefs self.logger = domain.prefs.getLogger(self) def __repr__(self): return "%s@%s" % (self.localpart, self.domain.name) class MailAlias(MailAccount): """This represents a mail alias""" def __init__(self, domain, localpart, target): "Initialize the POPAccount class for a given domain" if localpart in domain.mailaliases.keys(): raise MailAliasExists MailAccount.__init__(self, domain, localpart) self.setTarget(target) def setTarget(self, target): self.target = target self.logger.debug("setting target for alias %s to %s." % (str(self), self.target)) # self.aliases = {} # self.readAll() # def readAll(): # """reads the aliasfile for the given domain""" # self.aliases = {} # if (os.access(gnuviech.GNVPrefs.VIRTUALDOMDIR, os.R_OK)): # try: # aliasfile = open(gnuviech.GNVPrefs.VIRTUALDOMDIR+self.domain.name , 'r') # for line in aliasfile.readlines(): # keyvals = string.split(line,":",1) # self.aliases[keyvals[0]] = keyvals[1].strip() # aliasfile.close() # except IOError: # self.logger.error("couldn't read the aliasfile for "+self.domain.name+".") # else: # self.logger.error("couldn't read from "+gnuviech.GNVPrefs.VIRTUALDOMDIR+".") # def writeAll(self): # """writes the aliasfile for the given domain with the aliases defined # in the dictionary object aliases""" # if (os.access(gnuviech.GNVPrefs.VIRTUALDOMDIR, os.W_OK)): # try: # aliasfile = open(gnuviech.GNVPrefs.VIRTUALDOMDIR+self.domain.name, 'w') # keys = self.aliases.keys(); # keys.sort(); # for key in keys: # aliasfile.write("%s:%s" % (key, self.aliases[key]) + "\n") # aliasfile.close() # except IOError: # self.logger.error("writing to aliasfile failed.") # else: # self.logger.error("no write access to directory "+gnuviech.GNVPrefs.VIRTUALDOMDIR+".") # def setAlias(self, alias, target): # """sets a mail alias for given domain which directs the MTA to the # given target # """ # self.readAll() # self.aliases[alias]=target # self.writeAll() class POP3Account(MailAccount): """This represents a pop 3 account""" def __init__(self, domain, localpart): """Creates a new pop3 mail account""" if localpart in domain.pop3accounts.keys(): raise POP3AccountExists MailAccount.__init__(self, domain, localpart) self.logger.debug("adding address %s@%s." % (self.localpart, self.domain.name)) self.setPassword(tools.generatePassword()) self.setSysUser(domain.getNextUser("pop3")) self.domain.addMailAlias(MailAlias(self.domain, self.localpart, self.sysuser)) def setPassword(self, newpassword): self.password = newpassword self.logger.debug("set password for %s to %s." % (str(self), self.password)) def setSysUser(self, username): self.sysuser = username self.logger.debug("set system user for %s to %s" % (str(self), self.sysuser)) if __name__ == "__main__": prefs = GNVPrefs() domain = GNVDomain("dittberner.info", prefs) domain.addPOP3Account(POP3Account(domain, "test")) domain.addMailAlias(MailAlias(domain, "klaus", "klaus@test.de"))