Fork 0

- complete addpopuser

git-svn-id: file:///home/www/usr01/svn/gnuviechadmin/gnuviech.info/gnuviechadmin/trunk@122 a67ec6bc-e5d5-0310-a910-815c51eb3124
This commit is contained in:
Jan Dittberner 2005-09-28 22:02:42 +00:00
parent 13b09a8844
commit 8a0c22bdae
3 changed files with 116 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# specify the domain
domain = dict(options[0])['--domain']
domain = None
domain = DomainTools.Domain(dict(options[0])['--domain'])
except DomainTools.InvalidDomain, iv:
print iv
@ -48,7 +48,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if (password == None):
password = PasswordTools.generate_password()
print domain
print password
print PasswordTools.md5_crypt_password(password)

View file

@ -1,30 +1,122 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import psycopg
import Settings
import psycopg, pwd, grp, smtplib, os
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
import Settings, PasswordTools
class InvalidDomain(Exception):
"""This Exception is thrown if an invalid domain is used."""
"""This exception is raised if an invalid domain is used."""
def __init__(self, domain):
self.domain = domain
def __str__(self):
return repr("Invalid domain %s" % (self.domain))
def validate_domain(domain):
class NoSysuserForDomain(Exception):
"""This exception is raised if no system user is associated with a domain."""
def __init__(self, domain):
self.domain = domain
def __str__(self):
return repr("No system user for domain %s" % (self.domain))
class Domain:
"""A Domain representation object with service methods."""
def __init__(self, domain):
self.cnx = psycopg.connect("user=%(dbuser)s password=%(dbpassword)s dbname=%(dbname)s" % Settings.dbsettings)
self.domain = domain
def validate_domain(self):
"""This function validates whether the given domain is allowed.
That means that the domain needs to be registered in the database.
If the domain is invalid InvalidDomain is raised."""
cnx = psycopg.connect("user=%(dbuser)s password=%(dbpassword)s dbname=%(dbname)s" % Settings.dbsettings)
cr = cnx.cursor()
cr = self.cnx.cursor()
cr.execute("SELECT * FROM domain WHERE domainname=%(name)s" %
{'name': psycopg.QuotedString(domain)})
{'name': psycopg.QuotedString(self.domain)})
result = cr.fetchall()
if (not result):
raise InvalidDomain(domain)
raise InvalidDomain(self)
def __str__(self):
return repr(self.domain)
def getSysuser(self):
"""Gets the system user id of the domain."""
cr = self.cnx.cursor()
cr.execute("""SELECT sysuser.name FROM domain, sysuser
WHERE domain.domainname=%(name)s
AND domain.sysuserid=sysuser.sysuserid""" %
{'name': psycopg.QuotedString(self.domain)})
result = cr.fetchall()
if (not result):
raise NoSysuserForDomain(self)
# return row 0, field 0
return result[0][0]
def getNextPopUser(self):
"""Gets the user id of the next available POP3/IMAP-user for the domain."""
cr = self.cnx.cursor()
sysuser = self.getSysuser()
cr.execute("""SELECT max(id) FROM mailpasswd WHERE
id LIKE %(username)s""" %
{'username': psycopg.QuotedString(sysuser+'%')})
result = cr.fetchall()
if (not result):
return sysuser + "p01"
maxpopuser = result[0][0]
num = int(maxpopuser[len(sysuser)+1:])+1
return "%sp%d" % (sysuser, num)
def makePopUser(self, password):
"""Creates a new POP3/IMAP-user for the domain using the given password."""
cr = self.cnx.cursor()
sysuser = self.getSysuser()
popaccount = self.getNextPopUser()
crypted = PasswordTools.md5_crypt_password(password)
uid = pwd.getpwnam(sysuser)[2]
gid = grp.getgrnam(Settings.popgroup)[2]
homedir = Settings.pophome + popaccount
os.mkdir(homedir, 0660)
os.system("maildirmake \"%s/Maildir\"" % (homedir))
os.system("chown %s.%s %s" % ( sysuser, Settings.popgroup, homedir ))
cr = self.cnx.cursor()
cr.execute("""INSERT INTO mailpasswd (id, crypt, clear, uid, gid, home)
VALUES (%(id)s, %(crypt)s, %(clear)s, %(uid)d, %(gid)d, %(home)s)""" % {
'id': psycopg.QuotedString(popaccount),
'crypt': psycopg.QuotedString(crypted),
'clear': psycopg.QuotedString(password),
'uid': uid, 'gid': gid,
'home': psycopg.QuotedString(homedir)})
text = """A new POP3/IMAP account has been created
Domain: %(domain)s
User: %(user)s
Password: %(password)s""" % {'domain': self.domain,
'user': popaccount,
'password': password}
themail = MIMEText(text)
themail['Subject'] = "A new POP3/IMAP account has been created"
themail['From'] = Settings.mailsender
themail['To'] = Settings.mailreceiver
s = smtplib.SMTP()
s.sendmail(Settings.mailsender, [Settings.mailreceiver], themail.as_string())

View file

@ -3,3 +3,9 @@
dbsettings = { 'dbuser': 'exim4',
'dbpassword' : 'CotOgigmeIk5',
'dbname' : 'gnuviechadmin' }
mailsender = 'root@gnuviech.info'
mailreceiver = 'root@gnuviech.info'
popgroup = 'poponly'
popgroup = 'poponly'
pophome = '/home/mail/'