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# Log4Py configuration file
# The "Default" Sections contains default settings which can be overwritten
# by settings for different instances (see bottom of file)
# Format is the output format of the lines.
# Possible parameters are:
# %C ..... class-name
# %D ..... program duration
# %d ..... duration for the last step (last output)
# %F ..... function name
# %L ..... logtype (Error, Warning, ...)
# %M ..... message
# %N ..... Line-number
# %T ..... current time
# Example formats are:
# Short: %M
# Medium: [ %C.%F ] %D: %M
# Long (default): %T %L %C [%F] - %M
# Debug: %T [%D (%d)] %L %C [%F (%N)] - %M
Format: %T %L %C [%F] - %M
# Target controls the output medium of the logging
# Possible values are:
# stdout (default): Standard output stream
# stderr: Error stream
# <filename> Any other filename
# Multiple targets can be specified as comma seperated list
Target: stdout
# Use ansi colors. Possible values are True or False (default)
Ansi: False
# TimeFormat is the format of the date and time as used by the
# Python strftime() function
# TimeFormat: %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S
# LogLevel controls the level of what you want to see
# Possible values are:
# None: No output (silent mode)
# Normal (default): Information- and Errormessages
# Verbose: Information-, Error- and Warningmessages
# Debug: Information-, Error-, Warning- and Debugmessages
LogLevel: Normal
# This is a section for the Log4PyTest class.
LogLevel: Debug