{% extends "hostingpackages/base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}{{ block.super }} - {% spaceless %} {% if user == customer %} {% blocktranslate with package=hostingpackage.name trimmed %} Details for your Hosting Package {{ package }} {% endblocktranslate %} {% else %} {% blocktranslate with package=hostingpackage.name full_name=customer.get_full_name trimmed %} Details for Hosting Package {{ package }} of {{ full_name }} {% endblocktranslate %} {% endif %} {% endspaceless %}{% endblock title %} {% block page_title %}{% blocktranslate with package=hostingpackage.name trimmed %} Details of Hosting Package {{ package }} {% endblocktranslate %}{% endblock page_title %} {% block content %}
{% translate "Hosting Package Information" %} {% if user.is_staff %}
{% endif %}
{% translate "Name" %}
{{ hostingpackage.name }}
{% translate "Description" %}
{{ hostingpackage.description|default:"-" }}
{% translate "Disk space" %}
{% with diskspace=hostingpackage.get_disk_space packagespace=hostingpackage.get_package_space %}
{{ diskspace|filesizeformat }}
{% endwith %}
{% translate "Mailboxes" %}
{% blocktranslate with num=hostingpackage.used_mailbox_count total=hostingpackage.mailbox_count trimmed %} {{ num }} of {{ total }} in use{% endblocktranslate %}
{% if osuser.is_sftp_user %}{% translate "SFTP username" %}{% else %} {% translate "SSH/SFTP username" %}{% endif %}
{{ osuser.username }}{% if sshkeys %} {{ sshkeys|length }}{% endif %}
{% translate "Upload server" %}
{{ uploadserver }}
{% translate "Hosting Package Options" %}
{% if hostingoptions %}
    {% for opt in hostingoptions %}
  • {{ opt }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% translate "No options booked" %}
{% endif %} {% if user.is_staff %} {% endif %}
{% translate "Domains" %}
{% if domains %} {% for domain in domains %} {% if domain.domain.maildomain.mailaddress_set.exists %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if domain.domain.website_set.exists %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% translate "Domain name" %} {% translate "Mail addresses" %} {% translate "Websites" %} {% translate "Actions" %}
{{ domain.domain }} {% with maildomain=domain.domain.maildomain %} {% for mailaddress in maildomain.mailaddresses %}{% spaceless %} {{ mailaddress }} {% translate "Delete mail address" %} {% endspaceless %}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} {% endwith %} {% translate "None" %} {% with domain=domain.domain %} {% for website in domain.website_set.all %}{% spaceless %} {{ website }} {% translate "Delete website" %} {% endspaceless %}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} {% endwith %} {% translate "None" %} {% if domain.domain.maildomain %} {% with maildomain=domain.domain.maildomain %} {% translate "Add mail address" %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% with hostingdomain=domain.domain %} {% translate "Add website" %} {% endwith %}
{% else %}
{% translate "There are no domains assigned to this hosting package yet." %}
{% endif %} {% if user.is_staff %} {% endif %}
{% translate "E-Mail-Accounts" %}
{% if mailboxes %} {% for mailbox in mailboxes %} {% endfor %}
{% translate "Mailbox" %} {% translate "Mail addresses" %} {% translate "Active" %} {% translate "Actions" %}
{{ mailbox.username }} {{ mailbox.mailaddresses|join:", " }} {% if mailbox.active %}{% translate "Active" %}{% else %} {% translate "inactive" %}{% endif %} {% translate "Set mailbox password" %}
{% else %}
{% translate "There are no mailboxes assigned to this hosting package yet." %}
{% endif %} {% if hostingpackage.may_add_mailbox %} {% endif %}
{% translate "Databases" %}
{% if databases %} {% for database in databases %} {% endfor %}
{% translate "Database name" %} {% translate "Database user" %} {% translate "Type" %} {% translate "Actions" %}
{{ database.db_name }} {{ database.db_user.name }} {% include "userdbs/snippets/db_type.html" with db_type=database.db_user.db_type %} {% translate "Set database user password" %} {% translate "Delete database" %}
{% else %}
{% translate "There are no databases assigned to this hosting package yet." %}
{% endif %} {% if hostingpackage.may_add_database %} {% endif %}
{% endblock content %}